
Showing posts from November, 2023

calculate the pH of 0.001M H2So4 .given k2 =1.01×10^-2


A 56.3-mL sample of 0.225 M HNO3 is titrated with 0.156 M KOH. a. Calculate the volume of base required (in mL) to reach the equivalence point. b. Calculate the pH after adding 98.5 mL of KOH


Solubility of AgCl is 10^-5 mole/liter.calculate the solubility in water and in 0.01MNaCl

AgCl is a sparingly soluble salt and in water small percentage of its dissociates . For calculate solubility we use solubility product formula. solubility product of a salt Ksp=multiplication of activities of ions Activity=Concentration ×activity coefficient.  

Calculate the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving 1.30 g of sodium acetate, CH3 COONa, in 50.0 mL of 0.10 Macetic acid, CH, COOH(aq). Assume the volume change upon dissolving the sodium acetate is negligible. Ka of CH3COOH is 1.75 x 10 -5.

A mixture of weak acid here acetic acid and its salt acts as a buffer solution. Buffer solution is a solution where addition of small amount of acid or base not change the pH. The formula of ph for such solution is given by HENDERSON.

What is the wavelength (in nm) associated with a photon of energy 1.0 x 10-17 J?

According to plank the energy of photon is E=hy we need to convert frequency to wavelength we know, h=6.626×10^-34 J/s

Which of the following equilibrium constant indicates the reactant-favored reaction? Select one: a.Keq = 1 b.Keq = 1.3 c.Keq = 5 x 10-4 d.Keq = 1 x 102 e.Keq = 10

Equilibrium constant:For a reversible reaction it is the ratio of concentration of product and concentration of reactant. Keq=[Products]/[Reactant] For equilibrium reaction Keq =1 Thus ,[products]=[Reactants] For reactant favour reaction ,Keq<1 For product favour reaction, Keq>1

A stock solution of HNO 3 is prepared and found to contain 14.9 M of HNO 3. If 25.0 mL of the stock solution is diluted to a final volume of 0.500 L, the concentration of the diluted solution is ________ M.

Stock solution concentration (S1)=14.9M Stock solution volume (V1)=25ml Diluted solution volume (v2)=0.5L =.5×1000ml =500ml so S2=? we use the formula, V1S1=V2S2 S2=(V1S1)/V2      = (25×14.9)/500      =0.745M the concentration of the diluted solution is  0.745 M.

NaBH3CN reacts with aldehyde and ketone

NABH 3 cm is less reactive but more selective than sodium bonhydrate since the cyanide group by its electron visual nature makes it stable NBS 3 cm can a reduce aldehyde but not ketone  Related question; DCC Reagent(dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) Toluene 1)Oxidation with kmno4 mechanism 2)Benzoic acid (C6H5cooH)+Socl2 3)Benzoyl chloride (C6H5Cocl) +LiAlH[ (OC (CH3)3]/H+ 4)Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHo)+CH2OHCH2OH/H+ a)Ethyl acetoacetate(CH3COCH2COOCH2CH3) reactions with 1)NaoEt 2)CH3CH2Br 3)NaOH/H2o 4)H3o+ b)2Ethyl acetate (2CH3COOEt) reaction with NaOEt/H3o+ c)Diethyl malonate (CH2 (COOEt)2 )reaction with 1)NaoEt 2) CH3CH2Br 3)H3O+ Toluene(Ph CH3) reaxts with1) NBS/hv,2)Pph3,Buli and 3)Acetone

crossed cannizaro reaction,benzaldehyde(C6H5CHO) react with formaldehyde (HCHO) in 50%NaoH

Cannizaro reaction: Related question; DCC Reagent(dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) Toluene 1)Oxidation with kmno4 mechanism 2)Benzoic acid (C6H5cooH)+Socl2 3)Benzoyl chloride (C6H5Cocl) +LiAlH[ (OC (CH3)3]/H+ 4)Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHo)+CH2OHCH2OH/H+   a)Ethyl acetoacetate(CH3COCH2COOCH2CH3) reactions with 1)NaoEt 2)CH3CH2Br 3)NaOH/H2o 4)H3o+ b)2Ethyl acetate (2CH3COOEt) reaction with NaOEt/H3o+ c)Diethyl malonate (CH2 (COOEt)2 )reaction with 1)NaoEt 2) CH3CH2Br 3)H3O+ Toluene(Ph CH3) reaxts with1) NBS/hv,2)Pph3,Buli and 3)Acetone

wolf kishner reduction , mechanism, reagent

In wolf kisna reduction carbonyl compounds reduced to hydrocarbon.  the reaction occurs in two step in first step carbonyl compound converted to hydrazone using reagent hydragene in acidic medium . In the second step hydrogone converted to corresponding hydrocarbon using reagent NaoEt/EtoH. Mechanism: in first step hydrazine reacts with carbonyl compound to form hydrazone where hydrogen act as a nucleophile which attack electrophilic centre ofcarbonyl carbon and further more water is removed. in second step the base abstracts a proton from hydrazone to form a diimide and that is the rate determining step then the diimide losses another proton to form a carbo anions which rapidly takes up proton from the solvent ,alcohol formed in the process to form the hydrocarbon. Related question; DCC Reagent(dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) Toluene 1)Oxidation with kmno4 mechanism 2)Benzoic acid (C6H5cooH)+Socl2 3)Benzoyl chloride (C6H5Cocl) +LiAlH[ (OC (CH3)3]/H+ 4)Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHo)+CH2OHCH2OH/H+

clemensen reduction reaction, mechanism, example

reaction of aldehyde or ketone with zinc amalgam in presence of mineral acid reduces the carbonyl group to methylene. the reaction is often carried out in presence of toluene to produce a three phase system in which most of the ketone remain in the upper hydrocarbon layer and the protonated carbonyl compound in the aqueous layer is reduced on the metal surface. Related question; DCC Reagent(dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) Toluene 1)Oxidation with kmno4 mechanism 2)Benzoic acid (C6H5cooH)+Socl2 3)Benzoyl chloride (C6H5Cocl) +LiAlH[ (OC (CH3)3]/H+ 4)Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHo)+CH2OHCH2OH/H+   a)Ethyl acetoacetate(CH3COCH2COOCH2CH3) reactions with 1)NaoEt 2)CH3CH2Br 3)NaOH/H2o 4)H3o+ b)2Ethyl acetate (2CH3COOEt) reaction with NaOEt/H3o+ c)Diethyl malonate (CH2 (COOEt)2 )reaction with 1)NaoEt 2) CH3CH2Br 3)H3O+ Toluene(Ph CH3) reaxts with1) NBS/hv,2)Pph3,Buli and 3)Acetone

Robinson annelation reaction

Robinson annelation reaction conjugated adition reaction or Michael addition reaction followed by intermolecular aldol and dehydration process is called Robinson annelation reaction in Robinson annelation reaction since the cyclisation  involve hence always thermodynamically controlled enolate ion formed initially and major product is dehydration product. since the Robinson annelation reaction is always thermodynamically controlled so we cannot obtain kinetically controlled less substituted product related question; oxidation of alcohol ,Types of alcohol,strong oxidizing agentsweak oxidizing agents Toluene 1)Oxidation with kmno4 mechanism 2)Benzoic acid (C6H5cooH)+Socl2 3)Benzoyl chloride (C6H5Cocl) +LiAlH[ (OC (CH3)3]/H+ 4)Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHo)+CH2OHCH2OH/H+ Activity coefficient calculation example ,Debye-Huckel equation,ionic strength determination