Tributyltin tin hydride(Bu3SnH) preparation,reduction of alkyl halide ,nitro group,AIBN structure

 Tributyltin hydride(Bu3SnH)

 Bu3snH is widely used for the reduction of carbon halogen Bond to carbon hydrogen bond

 preparation of tributyl tin hydride 

preparation of tributyl tin hydride (Bu3SnH)

application of tributyl tin hydride 

1.reduction of alkyl halide to alkane
reduction of alkyl halide to alkane by Bu3SnH

2. reduction of nitro group to to alkane
reduction of nitro group to to alkane by Bu3SnH

 structure of a AIBN

structure of a AIBN

 full form of AIBN

AIBN is azabis iso butter nitrile

Mechanism of reaction


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