Electrophiles and Nucleophilic in reagent chemistry

  Definition of electrophile :

electrophiles are electron deficient species which are attacked by electron rich species.

properties of electrophiles:

1. they are electron deficient species 
2.they are electron loving species 
3.they are attacked by electron rich centre 4.They have tendency to accept electron pair
5.They behaves like a lewis  acid

Definition of nucleophile :

nucleofiles are electron rich species attack electron deficient centre.

Properties of nucleophiles:

1. they are nucleus loving species
2.thry attack at electron deficient centre 3.have tendency to donate electron
4. they behaves  like a Lewis base

Types of electrophile :

electrophiles are two types 
1.positively charged electrophiles 
2.neutral electrophiles 

example of positively charged electrophiles

example of positively charged electrophiles

 example of neutral electrophiles

example of neutral electrophiles

 Types of nucleophile:
1. negatively charged nucleophiles 
2.neutral nucleophiles 

example of negatively charged nucleophiles

example of negatively charged nucleophiles

 example of neutral nucleophiles:

neutral nucleophile also three types
1. having no lone pair 
2.having multiple Bond 
3.organometallic compound
example of neutral nucleophiles
