
define rate of reaction? how to express rate of reaction? define rate law rate constant and unit of rate constant? a reaction take place as 2A+B--->3C find out the rate in terms of each reactant and product and also normalised rate equation?

1.define rate of reaction? 2. how to express rate of reaction? 3. define rate law rate constant and unit of rate constant?  4.a reaction take place as 2A+B--->3C find out the rate in terms of each reactant and product and also normalised rate equation? 1.define rate of reaction? ans.   the rate of a reaction is the amount of chemical change occurring per unit time . the rate is generally expressed as the decrease in concentration of the reactants or as the increase in concentration of the products per unit time. the unit of reaction rate is concentration divided by time if the concentration is expressed in mole per litre and time in second then the unit of rate is moles litre inverse second inverse.  2. how to express rate of reaction? 3. define rate law rate constant and unit of rate constant?  the rate of a reaction is found experimentally to be proportional to the concentration of reactants raise to proper power. 4.a reaction take place as 2A+B--->3C find out the rate in terms

ostwald dilution law, Arrhenious theory of electrolyte dissociation,

For a weak electrolyte at infinite dilution the whole of the weak electrolyte gets dissocoated,this is known as ostwald dilution law. ARRHENIOUS THEORY

biological oxygen carrier oxygen transport protein

there are three different classes of dioxygen transport protein  1) hemoglobin myoglobin family  2) hemecyanin  3)hemeerythin

calculate the pH of 10 ^-8 (M) HCL aquous solution at 25 degree temperature

Here the concentration of HCL is so small that's why the h+ ion from HCL is also small comparable to h+ ion from the dissociation of water therefore ionization of water should be taken into consideration. let the consider x-molar of h+ are formed from water.

An automobile engine provides 559 Joules of work to push the pistons and generates 2148 Joules of heat that must be carried away by the cooling system. Calculate the change in the internal energy of the engine. E = ____ Joules

Here engine provide 559 jouls of work so system provides work so work is negative work=-559 J Again heat generated 2148 jouls so exothermic and heat also negative heat =-2148 J according to 1 st law of thermodynamics change in internal energy=work+heat       =-559-2148 J    =-2707 J Change in internal energy is-2707 J

dickmann condensation/Intramolecular claisen ester condensation / cyclohexanone to cyclo pentanone conversion

when the two Easter functional group present in same molecule having one Alpha hydrogen when treated with any base for example sodium ethoxide it will give cycclization  reaction to from cyclic beta kero ester.  This reaction is known as dickmann condensation or intramolecular claisen ester condensation. To reduce carbon number in a cyclic compound we use this reaction. Mechanism: NaOEt is a strong base which captured one hydrogen from CH2 group and we get a nucleophilic centre  which further attack carbonyl group of other ester and we get beta keto ester.

claisen ester condensation

when ethyl acetate is treated with sodium ethoxide or any base it forms sodium salt of ethyl acetoacetate which after work up in HCL give aceto acetic acid and beta keto ester.This reaction is known as claisen ester condensation. Step 1:  NaOEt is a strong base which captured one hydrogen from methyl group of ethyl acetate as a result we get CH2-COOEt . Step 2: Further CH2-COOEt act as a nucleophile and attack 2nd mole of ethyl acetate and we get ethyl aceto acetate.

Methane to acetic acid conversion

Methane to acetic acid conversion step 1: Methane to methyl chloride methane is treated with cl2/hy and we get methyl chloride step 2: methyl chloride to methyl cyanide methyl chloride is treated with KCN and we get methyl cyanide Step 3: Methyl cyanide to acetic acid Hydrolysis of methyl cyanide will give acetic acid.